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tombs were filled with treasure because the kings, queens, and all of the egyptians believed that you must take your treasures that you would live with with you when you died so you could live in the afterworld.

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11y ago

in ancient times, it was belived that if earthly possesions were placed with a dead body, then the spirit could take the things with them. Sometimes, even live servants were locked away in the tombs!

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11y ago

The wealthy Egyptians (most likely the pharaohs) put valuable treasures in their tombs because they believed in a second life. They believed that when they were reborn they would have a need for these things.

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12y ago

The egyptians believed that a persons treasures would go with the diceased in the afterlife if they were buried with them.

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Why were the tombs fill with treasure?

beucause they believe they could take those treasures to the life after death

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in pyramids dure

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