

Best Answer

The question assumes that Hitler was "Jewish" or at least of Jewish origin, but there is absolutely no evidence for this.

Answer 1

I would rather post this else where but those answers are fixed. Hitler killed the Jews for the following reasons:

  • He regarded (most) Jews as Communists.
  • He blamed the Jews for causing the defeat of Germany in World War 1.
  • He blamed the Jews for the Great Depression.
  • They claimed that the Jews were a morally and culturally corrupting influence.
  • He believed that the Jews were conspiring to rule the world.
  • He also believed that the Jews already, to a large extent, controlled Germany.
  • He believed that they were racially inferior and were in some sense 'contaminating' non-Jewish Germans. However, this is at odds with the view that they were extremely cunning and were 'already controlling Germany'

Answer 2

The above was Hitler's Propaganda, we cannot know the extent to which Hitler believed himself. None of these accusation warranted the holocaust since restricting Jews to ghettos and transporting them out of the fatherland already accomplished victory over the Jews.

It is well known that Hitler was an Artist.Hitler killed the Jews because he had an a grand vision of Germany, that did not include Jews. Hitler preyed upon prejudices of the Germany and bad economy to popularize the elimination of Jews, so that his vision could be realized.

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There is no evidence at all that Hitler was partly of Jewish origin. The rumor was current in the period c. 1920-50 as propaganda intended to make him look a hypocrite.

The supposition underlying this question, namely that Hitler was part Jewish, is incorrect. Hitler was Austrian and while there is some speculation that his grandmother may have been Jewish, the evidence contradicts this. Hitler wanted to kill the Jews because he was inspired by racist pseudo-scientific thought as are many who have a similar perspective today.

Answer 3

The events affecting the Jews of Europe during the Nazi era were a culmination of centuries of mistrust, and abuse; Jews were often accused of being the source of societies' problems; they were the universal scapegoat. The antisemitic writings of Martin Luther from the mid 1500s in Germany, were often quoted or paraphrased by Hitler in speeches.

Adolf Hitler's "hatred" of the Jews was one of the tools he used to convince the people of Germany that he knew the source of their economic problems and that he was the person who could correct the situation. He chose to use the long standing antisemitism in Germany to gain the people's support. The Jews were a target of opportunity; antisemitism was a useful tool to reach his goals.

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There is no evidence that Hitler was in any sense Jewish. The only basis for this legend is a highly suspect supposition about Hitler's father, which even if true still wouldn't have made Hitler a "Jew" by either German or Jewish standards. That removes the underlying premise of the question, but if you're still interested in "why" you can skip the discussion below and go straight to the end.

Longer Discussion

After the war, Hitler's lawyer Hans Frank claimed to have been told by Hitler that certain people were trying to blackmail him about his "supposed Jewish ancestry." Frank further claimed to have investigated this in an attempt to disprove it, but there were some irregularities in Hitler's ancestry that made this difficult.

The key factor has to do with Hitler's father Alois Hitler. Alois was born to an unmarried woman named Maria Schicklgruber (spellings of that last name vary). Maria later married, and Alois was adopted by, Johann Georg Hiedler. When the name change was processed, Alois became Alois Hitler (spelling, especially of names, appears to have been rather ad libitum in 19th century Austria).

The question then becomes: who was Alois' father? Johann Georg Hiedler is the most likely candidate. An alternative theory supposes that it may have been Johann Georg's brother Johann Nepomuk Hüttler (see last parenthetical comment about spelling, and don't get me started on "Let's name all our sons Johann!").

This theory claims that Hüttler (who was married) had an affair with Maria and then later foisted her off on his brother Hiedler. Proponents cite the fact that some time before Maria's death (when Alois was about 10) Hüttler took Alois in and raised him for several years, and also granted him a substantial inheritance in his will. Against this must be weighed the fact that, if true, it means that Hiedler was willing to marry someone just to cover up his brother's indiscretions, which is perhaps a bit harder to swallow than an uncle simply being kind to his nephew.

However, for our purposes it doesn't actually matter much which of the Johanns was Adolf's grandfather, since neither of them were Jewish.

The Jewish part comes in due to Frank introducing a third possibility. Frank claimed to have found evidence that Maria worked in the home of a Jewish family in the town of Graz named Frankenburger. He speculated that the 19-year-old son Leopold Frankenburger may have been the person to get Maria pregnant.

However, the only basis for this theory is Frank's speculation, which has going against it that the Jews had been expelled from the province in which Graz was located several centuries before this, and were not allowed to return until several decades after Alois' birth. There were also no records of any family named Frankenburger or anything similar living in Graz at the time, and Frank managed to get several other key facts (such as Maria's birthplace) wrong as well.

The modern conclusion is that Frank, who remained a fanatical anti-Semite even after renouncing Nazism, was attempting to portray Hitler as a "Jew" (actually, under German law, a "second degree Mischling") and not a pure-blooded "Aryan" so that he could claim "It wasn't a 'real German' (well, Austrian, but still ethnically Germanic) that did all those horrible things, he was actually one of them!"

Also, the German laws defining Jews and Mischlings allowed either the Führer or Reichskanzler to exempt any given person from those classifications. Hitler held both of these positions, so in the extremely unlikely event that Frank's supposition was correct, he could have simply declared himself to be a pure-blooded Aryan.

In short, the preponderance of the evidence is that Hitler was basically a pure German-Austrian. You must know that in Southern Germany and Austria more than half of the population have brown or black hair (such as Hitler himself). Only in Northern Germany is the portion of blond-haired population more than 70%. So, the fact that Hitler was not blond and blue-eyed does not mean that he was a Jew.


Hitler basicly targeted the Jews because they were the largest non-German ethnic minority in Central Europe at that time. Hitler wanted a pure Germany without any "parasites".

At that time, there were very few Muslims and Africans living in Germany (unlike today). But you can be sure that Hitler would have built exactly the same gas chambers when (instead of Jews) millions of Turks, Arabs, Indians and Africans had lived in Germany at that time. Substantiating evidence is the Nazi treatment of the Roma ("gypsies") and condemnation of "Negermusik" (jazz and swing, and you can probably guess what it literally means).

Hitler's basic ideology was not anti-Semitism specifically, but racism in its most radical extent. The millions of Indian and Arab "fans" of Hitler should always be aware that they would also be on Hitler's "bug spray list" if they had lived in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.

Tom Lehrer's song "National Brotherhood Week" contains the lyrics

"Oh, the Catholics hate the Protestants,

And the Protestants hate the Catholics,

And the Hindus hate the Muslims,

And everybody hates the Jews."

This isn't anti-Semitism on Lehrer's part; as American readers might have suspected from the name, Lehrer was of Jewish heritage himself. It is, however, more or less Truth in Television for most of the world in the period leading up to World War II. Jews were, at best, tolerated in most places in Europe (the word "ghetto" originally comes from the name for the part of Venice where Jews were permitted to live), so Hitler was partially piggybacking on an existing dislike of the Jews, and they provided a convenient scapegoat (ironically, a term with Jewish origins) to blame Germany's problems on.

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Q: Why did Adolf Hitler kill the Jews when he was one?
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One fact about the Holocaust is that Jews were killed because Adolf Hitler wanted one race in Germany/Europe and Jews weren't that race.

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There are many places where one can see videos of Adolf Hitler, the German Nazi dictator. One can see videos of Adolf Hitler at popular on the web sources such as YouTube and Vimeo.