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Q: Why coal does not produce flame on burning?
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Why coal does not produce Flame?

beacause Hydrogen is not in coal burning and it goes directly into vapour which cannot produce a flame only a glow

Why does burning of candle produce flames and burning of coal cannot?

First of all we will have to know that what is a flame made up of,a flame is made at a point where fuel and oxygen combine,so in case of both candle and coal there is a fuel ie.wax in candle and coal is itself a fuel.................but if we just think till this much then even coal should produce flame but it doesn't go like this ,actually we are missing something ie. hydrogen(the main component in every flame producing substance).........if hydrogen is not there flame will not be produced .So wax has hydrogen atoms whereas coal doesn't because coal has been burnt before and hydrogen has been used.................that is why hydrogen containing waxy candle produces flames whereas already burnt coal just gives heat not flames. Hope this helps.

Is burning coal mechanical energy?

Burning coal is thermal energy. It can be used to produce mechanical energy.

Is carbon monoxide in coal?

No. But burning coal will likely produce carbon monoxide.

Does coal burning produce SO2?

wat is SO2

Why does popcorn seller fans the burning pieces of coal?

because the burning coal is heat the corn

What does burning high sulfur coal produce?

Sulfur oxides

Which is not a byproduct of burning coal that must restricted in order to produce clean coal?

Water vapor

How does China produce most of its electricity?

Coal is the natural resource that enables most of China's power plants.

How does the burning of biomass produce energy?

It just produces thermal energy, in the same way as burning coal or wood.

How renewable and non-renewable enerygy sources produce electricity?

They produce electricity be burning coal and then the coal is used to heat, light and do lots of other things.

Why does the popcorn seller blow on the burning pieces of coal.?

Burning coal requires oxygen to chemically react (C+O2=CO2). The availability of oxygen is limited in the furnace by several factors such as the friction of the air against the coal. Blowing provides more oxygen to the flame and raises the temperature of the flame. The hotter flame pops the corn more rapidly. Blacksmiths use the same principle to raise the temperature of their forges.