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A hydrogen bond does not dissolve, but it can be broken. Water molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other. This is why water has so many unique properties, such as its high heat capacity.

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Q: Why can a hydrogen bond dissolve in water?
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Why some gases dissolve in water?

Gasses dissolve in water because they bond to the water molecules. Gasses like hydrogen will bond with the oxygen in water to create H202 for example.

Why does polar water dissolve in polar liquids?

Because they form strong Hydrogen Attraction bond

How are molecules dissolved in water?

The molecules soluble in water if they form hydrogen bond with water.Hydrogen bond forms between hydrogen atom and another electro negativity atom of the another molecule then the substances dissolve in water

Does hydrogen not dissolve in water?

hydrogen gas dissolve in water to for hydroxonium H3O. Which is really a hydrogen ion 'riding' on a water molecule

Can a ketone hydrogen bond with water?

yes, they can accept the hydrogen bond with water (they don't have a hydrogen to hydrogen bond with other ketones however.)

When hydrogen atoms are kept in water then type of bond between water and hydrogen?

hydrogen bond.

Why does water dissolve most compounds?

hydrogen bonding in water makes it more polarized thus able to form bond with other molecules easily

Does water gave stronger hydrogen bond than hydrogen fluoride?

water has stronger hydrogen bond

What type of bond do water molecules form with eath other?

Water molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other. These bonds form between the hydrogen atom of one water molecule and the oxygen atom of another water molecule. Hydrogen bonding is responsible for the unique properties of water, such as its high boiling point, surface tension, and the ability to dissolve many substances.

Why oil is not dissolve in water?

oil is non-polar, so cannot form bonds with the water molecules - water molecules are polar, and hydrogen-bond to each other so for a substance to dissolve in water is must also be polar in order to form hydrogen bonds or permanent dipole - permanent dipole bonds.

What kind of bond is in water?

Hydrogen bond