

Why are white tigers more in danger than other tigers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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coz da fluf is awesome braaa!!

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Q: Why are white tigers more in danger than other tigers?
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Related questions

On average how big do White Tigers get?

Same as other Bengal tigers, up to 550 pounds or more.

Are white tigers more powerful than other tigers?

No, they just have different fur to adapt with their surroundings, camouflage like.

What is more endangered white Bengal tigers or white Siberian tigers?

White Bengal tigers are the ONLY white tiger and are only found in zoos, the white is just a genetic mutation. white Siberian tigers do not exist.

What are facts about white tigers diet?

White tigers have the same diet as any other tigers. They eat meat, primarily that of large mammals such as deer and pigs. They are more common in captivity (because we often breed tigers to be white). But a few do live in the wild.

How long do white Siberian tigers usually live?

Tigers can live for twenty years or more. White tigers are Bengals, not Siberians.

What is a tigers habits?

it is deep jungle

What is done to save the tigers?

What is done to save the white tigers they're taking more white tigers into zoo all around the world, and people are taking more into reserves.

Where was the white tiger living before they were becoming endangered?

White tigers exist, but only as a mutation to the species.... SIBEIA and INDIA and other SOUTH ASIAN countries are the home to tigers[includes the white]. White tiger mutation occurs more in INDIA.

How do white tigers become white?

Some Bengal tigers are born, as are other animals, with a form of albinism, a lack of skin pigment. These albinos may breed to create more albinos within the bloodline.

What do you do to make sure the white tigers don't go extinct?

As white tigers are only a rare color morph of the Bengal tiger, protect that subspecies and there will always be a chance of more white tigers.

How do white bengal tigers survive in their habitat?

Usually quite poorly. White tigers are more easily spotted. When they're small, that makes them a more likely target for any other predatory animal who might consider a snacking on a tiger cub.When they're older, it makes it more difficult for them to hunt.Its very rare for white tigers to survive in the wild because they do not blend in their pray see them to easily. White tiers are mostly held in a zoo.

Where can you find more info on white tigers?

Simply google white tiger.Many sites are there.