

Why are tigers killed by the humans?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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Normally they are killed for their furs, bones, or meats. Sometimes even for fun.

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Why are humans tigers worst enemies?

People poach tigers for their fur. so eventually the tigers get killed off and become endangered.

Are tigers harmful to humans?

Yes, tigers will prey on humans just like they will on any animal. It is rare that tigers or any big cat looks at us as prey, but it does happen. Tigers have killed more people than any other big cat.

Are tigers safe to us?

Typically no. They are very dangerous animals and have killed many humans through the years. Tigers also kill livestock.

What are the harmful effects of tigers?

Yes, tigers are extremely harmful when around human beings. This is because tigers are considered to be carnivores. Carnivores eat meat. Considering humans are made up of flesh and meat, it tempts a lion to attack.

Who are the Siberian tiger's enemies or predators?

I work with tigers and there is not such a thing as a snow tiger. White tigers are just white Bengals. Tigers do not have any natural enemies, only humans.

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humans treat white tigers as a friend because sometimes humans help tigers.

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tigers are killed for their beutiful skin.

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Are tigers killed cruelly?

Yes, some tigers are killed cruelly by illegal poachers for their fur and meat.

Were there other things besides humans in Vietnam war?

Tigers and elephants (before 7.8 million tons of bombs either killed them or chased them away).