

Why are snails slow?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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because of aerodynamics

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Q: Why are snails slow?
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Related questions

What thing is slow?

Snails for one.

Can snails go very fast?

No. That is why there is a term that refers to a "snails pace" meaning slow.

What candy is a snails pace?

slow taffy

Things that move slow?

Turtles, slugs, snails

What are Physidae Snails?

Also known as bladder or pond snails, they live in stagnant or slow moving water.

Are snails evil?

No snails are not evil there are slow creautures that will never be evil nor take over the world who searches this????

Do all snails have the same speed?

Yes, really slow.

What is the characteristic of snails?

There are many characteristics of a snail including their spiral shape. Snails are also characterized by their slow speed and coloration.

Where does the snail poop from?

i don't think snails do! Snails poop from inside their shell. They have a small hole in their shell that allows them to carry waste out.

Name 3 animals that are slow?

Sloths, snails, slugs, turtles, coral, urchins, Greenland Sharks, Loris, Sea Anemone, and tortoises are a list of slow animals.

What advantages and disadvantages do hermitbcrabs and snails gave on each other?

they are slow

Do planes go fast?

no not at all they are very slow, slower than snails