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It depends which area of the world you are in, if speaking of the Natives in Brazilian rain forests the conflict stems from the Natives use of poisonous blow darts to kill cattle while the ranchers are poaching the idolized red monkeys indigenous to the area.

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Q: Why are rainforest Natives and cattle ranchers in conflict?
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Related questions

Why did the cattle ranchers and homsteaders come into conflict?

conflict between the homesteaders, Indians, cowboys

How much of the rainforest is cut down each year because of cattle ranchers?

Greenpeace say 80% in the Amazon rainforest.

How much do cattle ranchers in the rainforest destroy in a day?

None. Ranchers don't raise their cattle in the rainforest. They raise their cattle on land that was once rainforest, and deforested for reasons either for making more land for more cattle, or more land to grow more crops from palm oil to soybeans.

How many cattle farmers are there in the rainforest?

None. Cattle farmers (or ranchers) do not operate within the forest itself. They raise their cows outside of the forest where the grass grows...which is where their herd of cattle eat the grass.

When did the cattle ranchers come to the Amazon Rainforest and how do they help Brazil's economy?

They came to the Amazonian Rainforest since the late 1960's parts of the Amazon basin have become just that.

Do cattle ranchers still exists if so what is the name?

Yes, cattle ranchers still exist.Cattle Ranchers is still an acceptable name for cattle ranchers. Other names for cattle ranchers or related workers include:RanchersCowboys, cowgirls, and cowpokeRanch handLivestock handlerRanch workerRanch managerCattle tender

What is the possessive form of a herd of cattle led by ranchers?

"of a herd of cattle led by ranchers" as you have used it above is already the possessive for of "a herd of cattle led by ranchers"! For example: The herd of cattle which was led by the ranchers bought a farm. The farm is now owned by the herd. It is the herd's farm. It is the farm of the herd of cattle led by ranchers.

Do cattle ranchers bring in their cattle daily for sleep?


What is the difference between cattle ranchers and sheep and goat ranching?

Cattle ranchers raise cattle, and sheep/goat farmers raise sheep and goats.

What are the trips that ranchers would take there cattle on?

Cattle Drive.

Why do they do cattle ranching in the rain forest?

They don't use the rainforest. It's the land that the rainforest was once on that is used. Rainforests are cut down and burned to allow for more farming to be done, and grass seed to be sown so cattle can graze in those areas. The more land that a cattle baron can purchase, the larger his cattle herd can be and the more profit he can obtain when selling excess stock. Land that had been "improved" or been converted from rainforest to agricultural land is cheaper than land that has been used for agricultural purposes, thus making it a good investment for such ranchers to make as a means to increase their land size and thus their herd as well.

What did cattle ranchers accomplish?

Cattle ranchers accomplish the growing and selling of huge numbers of cattle to feed people, animals, and for their hide to be used in shoes and other leather goods.