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Plants can not grow everywhere in a desert because of it's lack of water it gets. So plants only grow in certain spots in deserts, and these locations are uncommon. So they are spread far apart.

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14y ago
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10y ago

Water !... or (more precisely) lack of it ! Most plants need a lot of water to grow. The only plants that can survive in deserts are those that can keep hold of any moisture that lands on them. Cacti and other desert plants have waxy coatings on their leaves and stems to minimise water loss.

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9y ago

Because there isn't enough water or moisture in the soil for plants to take up through their roots so normal plants can't survive in the desert.

Actually, some plants do survive in the desert. It is mainly cacti which live in the desert. The reason other plants don't is because there is not enough water, and there is too much heat. Cacti have adapted by having deep roots, thick skins, and storage cavities to where it can make use of what little water is available and hold it a long time. The spines are an adaptation to give protection from animals that would use cacti as water sources.

Plants can't survive in desert because plants need water to make their food through photosynthesis.

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8y ago

Some plants cannot survive in the the dessert because some plants cannot handle that much of heat. Also most plants do not have a water supply inside. Unlike the cactus which has a water supply inside it.

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9y ago

There are hundreds of species of plants that have adapted to survive in the desert so your premise is incorrect. Some plants have root adaptations that permit them to draw moisture from deep below the surface. Some plants are able to store water in their tissues during times of rain to use when water becomes scarce. Some plants are able to go into a sort of hibernation - they shut down until water is again available. Some plants have leaves only after it rains but quickly lose them when drought returns.

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9y ago

El Paso is situated within the northern Chihuahuan Desert and usually averages less than 8 inches of precipitation per year. Summer temperatures can frequently exceed 100 degrees F. This makes it difficult for many types of plants to flourish. However, some plants that have adapted to the harsh climate do quite well - the creosote bush and mesquites are probably the most commonly seen.

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11y ago

Because their made for the desert environment.

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9y ago

Water lilies require a deep, permanent water source, something absent in most desert areas.

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9y ago

Some bryophytes have adapted to live in deserts but lack of moisture prevents them from being common there.

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8y ago

Water resources are generally scarce in the desert so plants grow well apart from each other so as the take advantage of the little rain that does fall.

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