

Why are nanoparticles used?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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11y ago

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Nanoparticles are used for various purposes due to their unique properties at the nanoscale. They offer a large surface area to volume ratio, which makes them useful for catalysis, drug delivery, and sensing applications. Additionally, nanoparticles exhibit quantum confinement effects, allowing for manipulation of their optical, electronic, and magnetic properties.

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11y ago

Because they give us an advantage and we can make things that we probably thought wouldn't be possible before. Nanoparticles can be used to make cameras the size of a dust particle which can be used medically to check inside people and see what is going on for example. Nanoparticles also have many more purposes but there are some risks in using them and we aren't aware of all of them.

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Michael Faraday is generally considered to be the first person to conduct scientific research on nanoparticles.

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What is a nanoparticles?

its is a nanoparticle of gold