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If there are mushrooms growing in your vermiliad plant, it is a sign that the soil is moist enough to allow them to grow. Vermiliad do not like to sit in water, so if mushrooms are growing in the soil, you are keeping it too moist.

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7y ago

mushrooms growing is a sign of too much water and/or too much acidity in the soil. Cut back on the water and add horticultural lime.

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Q: Why are mushrooms growing in my potted plant?
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MLN How do you get a potted plant?

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It depends on the species of plant in the pot. All potted plants will need light but some are shade loving and will not grow well if placed in direct sunlight. Have a look at the instructions that came with the potted plant or ask at your local garden center or plant supplier. It is also important not to over water a potted plant.

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It is impossible to know without properly identifying the mushrooms. Chances are they are not psilocybin active (magic). You need to research how to identify mushrooms and see if yours are psilocybes.

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dont you know if we scatter salt on a potted plant the plant will shrivel up and die because it will become a concentrated solution ....................... ............... ....... ... . . .

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