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because they are hormone-secreting and so they have to be in close contact with blood vessels

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Q: Why are leydig cells located close to the capillaries?
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Why leydig cell located close to the capillaries?

They produce hormone 'testosterone'.It should be released to blood.

What do you call the small vessels that are close to your cells?

one of them is the capillaries

Which blood vessels are in close contact with body cells?


What is the fine blood vessel lying close to the body cells?


What is close to all living cells in the body?

There are blood capillaries close to all of the cells in our body, so that the cells can get all of the energy they need to survive.Blood capillaries are only one cell thick, so that nutrients and oxygen can pass through them easily.

What are lymphatic capillaries like?

Lymphatic capillaries are closed at one end and they are tethered to surrounding tissues by protein filaments. Endothelial cells loosely overlap the lymphatic capillaries to allow bacterial and cells to enter the capillaries. The layout of the endothelial cells also create valve-like flaps which open when the interstitial fluid pressure is high and close when it is low.

State one significance of having sush s largr network of capillaries?

All the body cells can stay close to the capillaries for the exchange for materials with the blood

What is the main function of the capillaries?

Capillaries are one-cell wide blood vessels. They allow intimate close-contact with muscle and other body cells with red blood cells. It is in capillaries that oxygen exchange occurs. In close contact with muscular myoglobin, adult hemoglobin releases its oxygen and myoglobin picks it up.

What vessels exchange materials with the extra cellular fluid and the blood?

Capillaries. Since they are only once endothelial cell thick, they can exchange gas, nutrients, and waste across their membrane. Capillaries in the brain have endothelial cells close together to onyl allow a slecetive exchange of materials, while capillaries in the kidney or liver have gaps between the endothelial cells to allow the exchange of a lot of materials.

Why are there blood capillaries close to all the cells in your organs?

You have 100,000 feet of blood vessels in your body. The tinest ones must be close to the cells. Each cell needs a constant supply of oxygen and glucose and other nutrients and must have means to remove wastes that they make.

What is the importance of guard cells?

If by guard cells you mean the ones located in plants, they open and close the stomata to control water loss :)

What do capillaries run close to in the body?

so they go faster