

Why are copyright protections longer than trademarks?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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They aren't. Copyright protection is for a limited time, while trademarks can be protected in perpetuity as long as they are in use.

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Q: Why are copyright protections longer than trademarks?
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Is thanjavur big temple tower copyright is given as a logo?

Logos are typically protected as trademarks, rather than works of art.

How do I find the copyright holder for an old logo of a company that is no longer in business?

Databases such as Hoovers will allow you to trace who took over the rights; often even Wikipedia will be able to tell you who acquired the assets when the company dissolved.

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There are more than two million registered trademarks in the US alone.

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Many register their own names, products, logos, slogans, and URLs as trademarks.

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You can copyright a work, but generally not a story title. In any case, you don't have to go anywhere to copyright. Copyright ownership is automatic, because of the work done. Unless a copyright was sold or gifted you need a proof that you did the work to claim a copyright but nothing more than that.

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A 1924 portrait is no longer in copyright. It is now more than 75 years old and is in the public domain. You do not need permission to reproduce it, and you cannot copyright it.

Can you paint Donald Duck on your car?

Why not You might run up against copyright protections, but other than that I see no reason that you could not paint Donald Duck or whatever on your car as long as it is not indecent or obscene.

How does one go about protecting intellectual property?

In the US, the first and most important step is gathering all IP materials and registering a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office. Though some works may need to be registered individually, some types of work may be registered as collections, saving time and money, as each registration is subject to a fee. Patents and trademarks may be registered with the U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office. Any act more complicated than filing a Digital Millennium Copyright Act complaint with a website will probably require professional legal assistance.

How can a website be in breach of the digital millennium copyright act?

Most websites are more likely to violate the "old" copyright law than they are to violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, but the prime way sites find themselves up against DMCA is by distributing software designed to circumvent DRM and similar copyright protections. DMCA takedown notices are often sent in response to posting infringing material, but that's a violation of the plain old copyright law; DMCA just makes it easier for rightsholders to respond.

What are the economic aspects of copyright and trademarks?

Copyrights and trademarks allow the monetization of intellectual property, which has an increasingly significant impact on the economy as the world moves from an industry-centric model to one more focused on the trading of information and knowledge.How much it affects the economy is hotly debated, with content owners pushing higher numbers and content users favoring lower ones; in fact, proponents of fair use assert that exploitation of fair use contributes more to the economy than the "copyright industry." (See link below)

Can anyone claim a copyright over a family's crest?

The only way for someone to claim copyright in a family crest is if that person created the crest, or substantially modified it, or is the heir of someone who did that and who died less than 75 years ago. Crests and other symbols may be protected in some countries by their laws protecting Heraldic symbols, but that is not copyright.

How long does an injunction last for domestic violence last?

The temporary injunction stays in effect for a certain number of days, but won't last longer than 15 days. At the full hearing, the judge will decide whether to give you a final injunction. The final injunction will last longer than 15 days and may provide you with more protections than the temporary injunction did.