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Each child is an individual. A child's environment and those adults in their lives affect each differently. As child develops this distinction becomes more pronounced.

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Q: Why are children in the same family so different?
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limit the amount of children each family can have like china..each family can have two children one to replace each parent so the population isn't growing but staying the same

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I would guess that both feet are the same age, so the answer would be Yes.

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The classification of organisms from general to specific goes: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Therefor, two species the same Genus MUST be members of the same Family. However, a Family may consist of several different Genus, so species in the same Family are not necessarily members of the same Genus.

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Because they both have the same rythm but with different lyrics.

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It depends on the tribe. Different Tribes had different traditions, so to say Native American is like asking for one answer as to how children in Rome, India, and Scandinavia were brought up during the same time period.

Is the machine usable by the whole family, can it adjust so that my children can use it?

You can adjust the timing and the endurance so your children can use the elliptical trainer.