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Poor countries usually have no organized ways of caring for older people, so making sure that you have kids to look after you when you're old and weak becomes important. Poor countries also have a fairly low survival rate, so a family have to try for many babies to get some to survive into adulthood.

There may also be religious issues that don't allow for contraceptives, or religious instructions to raise big families.

Also in poor countries, people cannot afford contraception or do not have access to contraception.

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Q: Why are birth rates so high in poor countries?
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What are some reasons for high birth rates in developing countries?

Poor education, Women have no careers, no contraception, farmers need many children to work land, high infant mortality rates so more babies born. Many Developing countries are Hindu or Arab so large families encouraged. In Tribal African communities large families give status.

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There are a number of characteristics of less developed countries. These include high Birth Rate, low education, as well as poor health.

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i think countries become poor because of of bad country leader. this could lead to very high taxes that countries can not pay for, therefore they get poor.

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The reason why there are high birth rates in less economically developed countries is because people in poor countries cant afford to buy sexual protection materials such as condoms, also some women get raped.

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Not only do poor countries have high Birth rates, they also have high death rates. Especially high rates of infant mortality. In order to ensure that there are children alive to take care of them in their old age, people marry young, have many children hopefully to achieve this aim.

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not necessarily, they are paid low rates for their natural resources and unprocessed goods, and even though the elite are rich the poor may need humanitarian aid for which the interest rates are high

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fair to poor,can get car loans but with high interest rates

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in many LEDCs (less economically developed countries) this is the case. this is due to high infant mortality (death a birth) caused by poor health care. so many families have a number of babies as there is a high chance they will die

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The main reason for this is linked to wealth, the wealthier the country the stronger its economy. Poor countries have weaker economies due factors such as avalibility of resources, climate, literacy rates etc.

How do you solve low birth rate?

By having more kids. In poor countries mostly, they have a high birth rate because they arn't educated about it. In richer countries like the USA, some women might want to start a career and not have children until they are 30.

What are the problems when comparing living standards in developing countries and living standards in developed countries?

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Why do so many poor countries have higher birth rates than rich countries - 44k?

There are two main reasons for this. In poor countries childhood mortality is higher than in developed countries, so that if a couple want to have two children, they need to give birth to more than that, as there is a strong likelihod that they won't all reach 5 years of age. Also, as a country develops, the average income rises and people don't need to have so many children to help raise food, fetch and carry water, etc. etc. and support their parents in their old age.