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Albinism is a genetic trait that causes the body not to produce melanin normally... Melanin is a pigment that's responsible for the darker colors like brown, tan, black in our skin and hair...

As you said it's recessive... this is because in order for an individual to be an albino they have to have inherited 2 copies of the recessive, albino causing gene (aa). If they only inherit one (Aa) they will still produce melanin normally, so their skin and hair will be fully pigmented.

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Q: Why albinism is recessive disease?
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What is the genotype of an individual with albinism?

I think no. It's caused by a recessive gene so if a person has albinism their genotype can only be recessive, recessive ---> AA (small a small a or whatever you call it). No other genotype will mean that person has Albinism, like if it has at least one big A, that means it's just a carrier of albinism.

Is albinism a dominat or reccesive trait?

Albinism is a recessive trait which will result in a lack of pigmentation in the skin eyes and hair. It occurs about 1 in every 17,000 people in the U.S.

Albinism is a recessive trait in humans that is controlled by a single gene how many recessive alleles must a person have to have albinism?


Is albinism controlled by a dominant allele or by a recessive allele?

Recessive allele.

Is albinism autosomal?

Albinism is a recessive, autosomal trait. So no, it is not sex-linked.

Is albinism a recessive trait or dominant?

Recessive. The trait will only show up if both parents have the gene recessively (aa). If the genetic make up is Aa or AA, there will be melanin production, meaning albinism is an aa gene only. Albinism is a recessive allele.

What is a condition that is shown only when two recessive alleles are present?

Recessive trait...

Is albinism controlled by a dominant allele o recessive allele?

It is controlled by a recessive allele.

What results from a recessive gene that prevents the making of pigments?


How many recessive alleles must a person have to have albinism?


What is an example of recessive trait?

'Albinism' (being an albino, without skin pigmentation) is an example of a recessive trait. Specifically, it is an expressed recessive trait, because that person does not have the dominant gene at all, only two copies of a recessive gene. For a person to be an albino, his/her parents BOTH had to have the recessive gene and the offspring had to inherit THOSE TWO copies and can now only 'express' the recessive gene. There is no dominant gene to undo the albino trait. Side note: there is more than one form of albinism recognized in medical science, but all are examples of recessive traits. Another example of a recessive trait would be 'sickle-cell disease/anemia.'

Is chromosomal abnormality in albinism?

yes it is. It affects chromosome 11.