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ANZAC is an acronym which stands for "Australian and New Zealand Army Corps". When Britain declared war on Germany in 1914, Australia and New Zealand, as part of the British Empire, were obligated to send men to fight.

Being from the same corner of the world, they formed a corps together and were sent to Gallipoli where, on the 25th of April, 1915, they saw their first major conflict in a war ever. They had fought in the Boer War a decade or so previously, but nothing could have prepared them for the carnage and pointless slaughter of the Gallipoli Campaign.

Every April 25th Australia and New Zealand commemorate their sacrifice by holding ceremonies and remembering wars past. It's a patriotic thing.

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Q: Who were the ANZACs and what is the importance of ANZAC day?
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What date did the ANZACs land at Anzac Cove?

The ANZACs landed at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915. This is the date now commemorated as Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand.

Why did they make anzac a day?

ANZAC DAY started when WWI finished. It is to remember all the ANZACS who died in WW1.

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The ANZACs were entirely anglo saxon.

Why do you remember the ANZACS?

Anzac day remember us at war of of Australia.

Are there fireworks on anzacs day?

No. ANZAC Day is a day of solemn commemoration. It would be inappropriate to let off fireworks.

Why do have ANZAC day?

Initially, it was a day of remembrance for those ANZACs who lost their lives at Gallipoli, but it has long since become a day of remembrance for all ANZACs who died in all wars.

When is ANZAC remembered?

ANZAC Day and the ANZACs are remembered every year in Australia and New Zealand on 25 April. This date commemorates the landing of the ANZAC troops at Gallipoli in 1915.

Who won in Gallipoli the Anzac's or the Turks?

not the anzacs

Where was anzac held?

Anzacs served at Gallipoli which is a Peninsula in the Ottoman Empire, which is now modern-day Turkey.

How did the anzac biscuits get to Gallipoli?

It is actually a myth that the anzacs got anzac biscuits from their family back home.

Why you still celebrate ANZAC day?

Because through WW1, WW2, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, and the Afghanistan war many ANZACS have paid with their lives and we honor them with ANZAC so that we will remember them.

What was the nationality of the ANZAC enemy?

The ANZACs fought the Turkish soldiers at Gallipoli.