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The Spartan council did not rule Athens.

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Q: Who was the spartan council who ruled Athens after the peleponesion war?
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Which city was ruled by two kings and a council Athens or Sparta?

Sparta was ruled by two kings and its council, the Gerousia.

Who were the rulers of Athens Persia and Sparta?

This changed over the centuries. Sparta was ruled by two kings, a council. and an assembly Athens was ruled first by a king, then an aristocracy, then by a tyrant, then by an assembly of the people. Persia was ruled by a king and his council.

6 How were Spartan and Athenian governments different?

Athens had a unique government, a direct democracy. This meant that every Athenian citizen voted on laws and legislation. Sparta was ruled by two kings and a 28 member council of elders.

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Athens ruled the Delian League.

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The assembly of citizens ruled, making decisions. The council carried out the assembly's decisions. The courts of citizen juries ruled on legal matters - no judges or lawyers.

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Pericles ruled Athens in 460 b.c when Athens and Sparta were the most powerful city-states

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Olympia was a site, and therefore not ruled by anyone. People are ruled. Olympia was in the territory of the city of Elis.

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Sparta was ruled by only a few of its men, but Athens was ruled by all of its male citizens.

How was Athens considered an oligarchy at one point?

Until Cleisthenes set up a democracy in 508 BCE, the aristocratic Council on the Areopagus ruled the city. This Council was an oligarchy which means 'rule by the few' (a monarchy = rule by one, a democracy = people power).

Who was Egypt ruled by?

The pharaoh and his council.