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Adolf Hitler of the Nazi Party

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Q: What was the name of the dictator who led Germany to world war 2?
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What dictator led nazi Germany during world war 2?

Hitler .

Is Germany led by a dictator?

Since Germany is called the Federal Replublic of Germany we have a democracy over here.

Who led Germany during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler was the dictator during World War II. He was the leader of the German during that time.

Which act of aggression led to World War 2?

Adolph Hitler - the Nazi dictator of Germany - invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany for this unprovoked act of aggression

World war 1 was officially ended with the signing of the treaty of?

WW1 was ended with the Treaty of Versailles which blamed the war on Germany. Germany was so mad about this that, for their new dictator, they looked to Hitler for guidance This led up to WW2, in a way.

Who led Germany after World War 1?

After ww1 Germany was led by adolf Hitler

What were the result of the world war1?

It led to Germany

Who was the Soviet dictator during world war2?

The Dictator of Russia during WW2 was Joseph Stalin. Stalin took power in 1929. He was the dictator that led a massive "purification" in which he executed many of his top generals.

Who was adolf itler?

Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Germany from 1934 until his death in 1945. He led the Nazi Party and was a key leader in WWII.

Who led American forces into Germany?

General Pershing led American forces into Germany in 1918 to mark the first World War. The successful campaign led to the defeat of Germany by US forces.

The country whose takeover by Germany led to the outbreak of world war 2?

Germany declared war on Poland, which led to England and France declaring war on Germany.

What led the European imperialsm?

what led to European imperialsim was an ego trippin' dictator called Mitch Rogers and he dominated the ancient world...oh and he was really short.