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Q: Who was one of the heroes of the Trojan war?
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Aeolus, (one of) the gods of the wind Artemis, the goddess of the hunt Athena, the goddess of war Aggememnon, the leader of the Greek heroes in the Trojan War Ajax, one of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War Argos, Odysseus' dog and Argos, Jason's ship

Who were the heroes on both sides in the Trojan war?

See link below!

Which of these epic poems describes the heroes and events of the Trojan War?

"The Iliad" by Homer is the epic poem that describes the heroes and events of the Trojan War, focusing on the wrath of Achilles and the siege of Troy.

Who were some of the main Greek heroes of the Trojan War?

Agamemnon, Menelaus, Achilles, Odysseus.

How is the odyssey related to The Iliad?

Odysseus was part of the Trojan war and after the Trojan war Odysseus was sailing back home but blown off course and he began his quest.

When was the golden fleece?

Jason and his Argonauts were part of the generation of heroes who lived prior to the Trojan War generation.

Who carries troy's future after the Trojan war?

The son of Aphrodite, Aeneas, was told by his mother to flee after Troy was destroyed and he became one of the first great heroes of Rome.

Who were the heros in the battle of the Trojan War?

Many heroes on both sides but main ones were Achilles for the Greeks and Hector for the Trojans.

Hero of Trojan war?

Greeks:Achilles; Ajax;Menelaus; Agamemnon;Odysseus; Telemachus;Patroclus; Diomedes;Trojans:Hector; Paris;Priam; Laocoon; AeneasFor a solid background of what happened in the Trojan War, you may want to read:The Iliad and the The Odyssey by Homer.Achilles and Odysseus are credited as the most famous and main heroes of the Trojan War.

Which Greek Hero is the greatest Trojan Hero?

Heroes and gods are not the same thing. The gods did participate in the Trojan War to a degree, but they are divine, and did divine things. The heroes were just mortal men (despite some of them having divine heritage).

In a paragraph describe the Trojan war?

The Trojan war is the war conducted by Agamemnon the king of Myceanae to restore to his brother Menelaus his ravished wife the famous Helen. The Siege will last 10 years that will end in many spectacular skirmishes between the Trojan and Greek Armies, the death of many celebrated heroes and finally the Trojan horse trick by Ulysses, devised as a plan to infiltrate the city as its defenses made it seem impregnable.

What war was the Trojan horse built?

The Trojan War.