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Q: Who united the 12 kingdoms of Mali?
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Which king conquered and united several smaller kingdoms to form Mali?

Sundiata conquered and united several smaller kingdoms to form Mali.

What was the earliest of the 3 kingdoms of mali?

There are three kingdoms in Mali. The three kingdoms that are in Mali are The Hungering Lion, The Kangaba Province and Ibn Khaldun.

Who united the twelve kingdoms of Mali into a powerful empire?

Sundiata was the founder of the Mali empire, but Mansa Musa was the greatest emperor

What kingdoms became wealthy from trade after Ghana?


Name three kingdoms of Africa?

The tree powerful kingdoms are Ghana, Songhai, and Mali

Why were Ghana and Mali successful kingdoms?

The Niger River enabled the kingdom of Mali to develop a stable economy.

What led to the fall of the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai?

Internal conflict

What ways were the kingdoms Ghana and mali similar?

Both kingdoms grew wealthy from taxing and controlling trade routes.

In what way were the kingdoms Ghana and Mali similar?

Both kingdoms grew wealthy from taxing and controlling trade routes.

In what way were the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali similar?

Both kingdoms grew wealthy from taxing and controlling trade routes.

One way in which the African kingdoms of Ghana and mali are similar?

Both Ghana and Mali benefited from the Gold-Salt trade

What are some simaliraties between kush an mali?

Both Mali and Kush depended on gold trade to keep their kingdoms wealthy.