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Opera history began with the meetings of the Florentine Camerata.

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9y ago
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15y ago

Opera evolved out of oratorio-which might be called sacred opera. music was used in choral fashion to tell a story but there was no stagecraft or costumes, etc. one survival of Oratorio may be found in the Passion Plays- and a stageless variety with some choruses of parishoners, and good trained choral work may still be found in such things as the St.Matthew Passion, performed in churches during lent and on Good Friday- for obvious reasons. Oratorio took this form of musical acting as often the plot was not feasible to do on stage( the Passion of Christ- pre- special effects- for example or would even be considered sacrilegious_ the famous and somewhat disturbing ( Stabat Mater)- roughly Standing Mother falls into this category.l the thing is based on one basic musical verse and gets more and more sorrowful and depressing there are a whole variety of verses all of the same tune- this is not opera at all but in a sense a forerunner. If Stabat Mater existed outside the relgious field, it would run into Flak from the censors- I never could quite see this morbid variety of (Piety)-with his bleeding arms suspended.... and this would drag one for in some cases three hours- the Passion itelf.

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15y ago

It did not actually 'begin' it evolved and a very brief outline is - Music written during the Renaissance, approximately 1400 - 1600. While defining the actual dates of the era is difficult, opera did not actually exist then. Towards the end of the era, the early dramatic ancestors of opera existed - for example, the madrigal comedy and the Intermedio. Madrigal comedy is a term for a kind of entertainment in which groups of related madrigals were sung consecutively. These generally told a story, sometimes with a loose dramatic plot. It is an important element in the origins of opera. [A madrigal is a type of secular vocal music composition] The Intermedio, or intermezzo, was a theatrical spectacle with music, often with dance which was performed between the acts of a play. Both of these were important predecessors to opera showing element of / in the origins of opera.

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12y ago

The Sanqing Troup from Anhui went to Beijing in the 55th year-on-the-throne of the Emperor Qianlong when he was celebrating his birthday to perform. Since they were appreciated, many other troups from Anhui came to Beijing: Sanqing (Three Celebrations), Sixi (Four Blisses), Hechun (Vernal Spring) and Chuntai (Spring Stage), and many others.

They basically mixed with the Han opera when they came, and formed the Peking opera.

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7y ago

It started in Italy at the beginning of the 16th Century with Peri's 'Dafne'. Produced in Florence in 1598 . Heinrich Shultz in Germany, Jean Bapstiste Lully in France and Henry Purcell in England established their national traditions in the 17th century

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15y ago

Opera started in Italy in the 1500's, late 1500's. I think it was the next step in music, growing out of music for religious services.

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11y ago

by a really fat lady who was only able to sing high and loud.

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15y ago

Please rephrase - the question is unclear.

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12y ago

Classical Musicians ... and composers.

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