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Most of the names of stars are taken from Arabic. Vega came from a tansliteration of "Al Nesr al Waqi" meaning "the falling eagle". Waqi later transliterated to W(V)ega means "falling".

Rigel came from the Arabic name Rijl Jauzah al Yusrā, "the left leg (foot) of Jauzah(Orion)". Rijl laer transliterated to Rigel means "leg, foot".

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Q: Who named the stars vega and rigel and what do they mean?
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What does vega and rigel mean?

Arabic, a Male name for Foot. Rigel is a blue star of the first magnitude that marks the hunter's left foot in the Orion constellation.

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If you include the Sun, then Vega. Otherwise Rigel.

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Our Sun is the brightest star of course, but presuming you discount that, the next brightest are:Sirius, Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rigel and Procyon.

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Vega and Altair are stars not constellations.

What is the names of stars?

Many of the larger, easily seen stars have been given names. Some examples are, Sol (our sun), Arcturus, Alula australis, Betelgeuse, Diadem, Jabbah, Maia, Peacock, Polaris, Rana, Rigel, Sirius, Vega, and Zosma, to name but a few. Smaller, harder to see stars are simply alpha-numbered: M42, L104 and so forth.

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