

Who named the Apollo 11?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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The name Apollo was given by N.A.S.A , it was their third manned spacecraft, Mercury was one manned craft, Gemini is named after the constalation Gemini , Twins as it was two man craft . Apollo would be three manned and they aimed to land on the moon, mind you this was way back in 1960.

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Why was Apollo 11 called Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was named after the Apollo program, which aimed to land a person on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. The number 11 designates that it was the eleventh mission in the Apollo program's series of lunar missions.

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The Apollo missions were named, well, Apollo. If you are asking about the first landing, it was Apollo 11.

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The Apollo missions were named more or less in order. After Apollo 1 was destroyed in a fire there were no other manned missions until Apollo 7. As such, starting at Apollo 7, the missions were named in order. Apollo 11 was 4th mission after Apollo 7.

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