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Q: Who is the president who helped run his family's peanut farm near Plains Georgia?
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What president grew up on his familys peanut farm he helped Israel and Egypt sign their peace treaty?

James Earl Carter.

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other familys that wern't threated by the naizs

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Both familys, would have faced death if caught.

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They didn't dominate the plains. The Lakota and Cherokee were more dominant in the plains along with the Blackfoot.

What helped the Comanche dominate the plains?

They didn't dominate the plains. The Lakota and Cherokee were more dominant in the plains along with the Blackfoot.

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second youngest pip who helped power the "midnight train to Georgia"

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Railroads being built in the Great Plains and the public demand for beef helped the cattle business. Long cattle drives bought cattle to the Great Plains.

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California, Arizona, Texas, Florida & Georgia hope i helped. California, Arizona, Texas, Florida & Georgia hope i helped.

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President Harry Truman helped create the United Nations.

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there wasn't any president's that had helped out on puting out forest fires.