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Q: Who is a titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavns upon HIS sholders?
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Which titan condemned by zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders who am i?

hi yall

Who is the titan condemned of Zeus?

Zues overthrew and Condemned the titan Cronus (as well as the other titans, except for Atlas) into Tartarus.

Who was the titan condemned by Zeus?

Zeus overthrew and Condemned the titan Cronus (as well as the other titans, except for Atlas) into Tartarus.

Who was atlas the greek god?

Atlas was a Titan, son of Iapetus. He was condemned to hold the sky for all eternity.

Does Saturn's moon titan support life?

no it does not

Which greek god had to support the heavens?

It wasn't a god it was a titan (parents of gods). The titan's name was Atlas.

Who was Titan compelled by Zeus to support the sky?


What is atlas famous for?

He was one of the leading Titan in the Titanomachy (the war between the Titans and the Olympians). Zeus condemned him to holding up the sky for all eternity.

Why is life impossible on moon Titan?

Titan has no liquid water, no oxygen, no magnetic field, too far away from the sun (TOO COLD). Titan for sure does not support life as we know it.

Scientist often wonder if the moon Titan could support life that is because it has something no other moon has?

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What is atlas the god of?

Atlas wasn't a god. Atlas was a titan and he fought for the titans. niether Gods or Titans can "die" so they used him for there needs. Atlas was very stong and a very good warrior. Atlas was instucted to hold up the sky for all eternity for helping the Titans. thus, the name for the maps of the world being named "Atlas's"

Who was the brother of Prometheus and Epimetheus?

Atlas and Menoitios. Menoitios was probably the titan/god of rashness. Zeus killed him and/or sent him to Tarturus. Atlas was condemned to holding up Uranus(The Sky) to prevent the Earth and the Sky from crashing into each other.