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Q: Who is a specific person in today's society who is like the goddess Artemis?
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Who is the Greek person Artemis?

she was a goddess, she was the goddess of the moon the hunt and the goddess of child birth

What was the name of the creator of Artemis greek goddess?

Artemis the greek god of the hunt and of birth

The mighty hunter in greek mythology?

The person known as The Mighty Hunter was Artemis. She is the goddess of the hunt.

Which famous person does the goddess Artemis most resemble?

Apollo. She hardly was compared to anyone else, save Leto or Zeus.

Does Artemis bring good or evil to the world?

Artemis is the goddess of the moon, as far as greek mythology says she didn't do anything "bad" she just kinda hunted monsters with a group of immortal maidens ~A person

What is Athenas goddess?

As the previous person, has falsely led you to believe, Athena is NOT the goddess of the hunt. I am sure that the previous person confused Athena with Artemis. Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom, Handicrafts, War*, and Chastity**. *= Ares is the God of Agressive and Violent War. Athena is the Goddess of Strategical War. **= Chastity means that Athena is a virgin Goddess. She pledged never to marry or to have any children.

What is Athena Goddess for?

As the previous person, has falsely led you to believe, Athena is NOT the goddess of the hunt. I am sure that the previous person confused Athena with Artemis. Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom, Handicrafts, War*, and Chastity**. *= Ares is the God of Agressive and Violent War. Athena is the Goddess of Strategical War. **= Chastity means that Athena is a virgin Goddess. She pledged never to marry or to have any children.

Who is the Greek goddess of nature?

Well,the Greek god of nature is Pan,and Gaea wasnature,so I guess that leaves Persephone.

What important things happened in history while Artemis was alive?

She was never a real living breathing person, so - nothing; she was never born outside imagination and certainly never died. Artemis is a goddess of ancient Greek myth.

Who worshipped Artemis what ancient city what famous person or mythological person hero?

She was an important goddess and, of course, was worshipped by all the ancient Greeks. Her largest and most famous temple was in the city of Ephesus.

Should you change Goddess to goddess?

The noun 'Goddess' is a proper noun as a word for a specific deity (the Goddess Athena).The noun 'goddess' is a common noun as a general term for any deity or any person to which excessive attention is given (He treats her like a goddess.)

What is a goddess?

The noun 'goddess' is a common noun as a general term for any female deity or any female person to which excessive attention is given (He treats her like a goddess.) The noun 'Goddess' is a proper noun as a word for a specific female deity (the Goddess Athena).