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Herbal medicines have been with us as long as we have been around.

Early on humankind was omnivorous, we ate the plants, grains, roots and herbs we found around us in nature. Meat tended to be hard to acquire, and harder to perverse, so we relied on vegetable matter for the bulk of our diet. In the gleaning of those plants we found items that had beneficial effects on our systems. Those effects were noted and remembered, so that when a member of the group suffered from, for example, a stomach ache, peppermint was steeped in water and given as a tea to relieve the symptoms.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Herbal medicines are the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. It has been used by all cultures throughout history. It is also called as botanical medicine or phytomedicine, refers to the use of plant's seeds, roots, leaves, bark, berries, or flower for medicinal purposes. Chinese are the one who introduce and use herbal medicines to cure some illness.

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14y ago

The first use of herbal medicines go into the mists of prehistory Even today a lot of the medicines prescribed are based on the benefits that we have found in plants in treating medical conditions for many centuries.

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13y ago

Conventional/Western Medicine one could say, created alternative medicine. Before Western Medicine, there was only holistic medicine as an option.

Western Medicine is the youngest form of medicine. It gained popularity for a few reasons. First, Western Medicine is excellent in diagnostic techniques. Second, pharmaceuticals are fast acting. And third, insurance companies can charge huge sums of money for it's services. It comes down to finances in Western Medicine. The amount of time and cost of medical school, equipment and marketing drives the cost of Western Medicine up.

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12y ago

In the old days pioneers learned from Indians, and learned the different herbs and their healing properties.

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