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All four members of the Frank family in hiding (Anne, Margot, Otto and Edith) were initially sent to Auschwitz from Westerbork. On 30 October 1944 Anne and Margot were transported to Bergen-Belsen, where they both died in March 1945. Edith Frank died at Auschwitz in January 1945, and Otto Frank survived in Auschwitz III.

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Q: Who in the Frank family was sent to Auschwitz?
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Where did Anne Frank go after the secret annex?

The family was sent to Auschwitz in 1941

What consentration camp was otto frank sent to?

Otto Frank was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp.

What happening to Frank family when they were found?

They were sent first to Westerbork, a transit camp, and from there to Auschwitz.

What camp was Otto Frank Anne Frank's father in when she was at Auschwitz?

Like the other members of the Frank family, Otto was sent to Auschwitz. He remained there and was one of the prisoners liberated by the Soviet Army on 27 January 1945.

Was Anne Frank sent to Auschwitz?

Yes she did.

Where were the frank family taken to when they were arrested?

The Frank family was taken to concentration camps when they were arrested. Anne Frank was sent to Bergen-Belsen in Germany, where she died of typhus, while her father Otto Frank survived Auschwitz concentration camp.

What concentration camp did Otto frank have to go to?

Anne Frank was sent to Westerbork, Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen.Margot Frank - as Anne Frank.Otto Frank was sent to Westerbork and Auschwitz.Edith Frank - as Otto Frank.

How long did Anne Frank live in Auschiwitz?

Anne Frank did not live in Auschwitz. She and her family were initially in hiding in Amsterdam, but were eventually captured and sent to concentration camps. Anne and her sister Margot died at the Bergen-Belsen camp in Germany in 1945, shortly before it was liberated.

What concentration camps was Otto Frank sent to?

All eight of those in hiding were first sent to Westerbork, a transit camp, and then all eight were sent to Auschwitz. Otto was in Auschwitz III (Monowitz) until he was liberated in late January, 1945. (Anne and Margot Frank were transferred from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen on 30 October 1944).

Was Anne Frank send to Auschwitz?

no, she was sent to Bergen-Belsen

Where was Anne Frank sent in the holocaust?

she was sent to a concentration ca mp called Auschwitz

What was the date when Anne Frank was sent to Auschwitz?

September 3rd, 1944.