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Q: Who has a purple lion on their coat of arms?
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Related questions

Why does a lion represent England?

The lion is there coat of arms. Like the eagle is are coat of arms.

What coulour is Michelles coat of arms?

Michelles coat of arms are colored purple!

Is there a unicorn on the Canadian coat of arms?

yes yes there is There is a lion and a unicorn on the Canadian coat of arms. The lion represents the English, the Unicorn the French.

What does purple mean in a coat of arms?

In European Coats of Arms, purple is symbolic of royalty

What creature is on the scottish coat of arms?


What does the lion mean in the coat of arms?

The Lion is a symbol of strength and power.

What is the coat of arms of US?

The most used is the lion and the unicorn.You can check it by typing coat of arms on Google.

Which animal is featured on the Coat of Arms of Bulgaria?


How does British Columbia's coat of arms look like?

a lion

What two animals are on Bath's coat of arms?

Lion and Bear

What animals are on the Tasmanian coat of arms?

If its the Australian Coat of Arms then the animals are a Kangaroo and an Emu.

What is medowbrooks coat of arms design?

it is typically the lion, with red and green stripes.