

Who eats hammerhead sharks?

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9y ago

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Many humans use hammer shark to make food such as barbatana soup.

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Q: Who eats hammerhead sharks?
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What kind of shark eats a stingray?

Hammerhead sharks mostly but tiger sharks will too.

What sea animal eats hammerhead sharks?

Orcas, and many other larger sharks

What eats stingrays?

Hammerhead sharks are the most common predator of stingrays.

What eats hammer head?

Hammerhead sharks eat stingrays, fish and octopus. They are also known to eat squid, crustaceans and other smaller sharks.

What does the great hammerhead shark eats?

other sharks and whales like sperm whales and i think a lot of fish

Do white sharks eat hammerhead sharks?

White sharks are opportunistic eaters. They will attack and eat a hammerhead.

How many times a day does hammerhead sharks eat?

A hammerhead shark eats enough food until they aren't hungry . Scientists have not found officially how much they eat

How heavy are hammerhead sharks?

Hammerhead sharks can weigh from 500 pounds to 1,000 pounds

What do hammer shark eat?

The hammerhead shark eats a variety of foods. This shark eats many types of fish, squid, small sharks, and sting rays.

What is a hammerhead sharks habitat it is the color blue?

hammerhead sharks can be found in warmer and tropical waters.

Do hammerhead sharks migrate?

Hammerhead sharks migrate so they can move to warmer climate to breed.

What sharks are there in Curacao?

Nurse Sharks, Lemon sharks and Hammerhead Sharks