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FICA stands for "Federal Insurance Contributions Act." It's the tax withheld from your salary or self-employment income that funds the Social Security and Medicare programs.

The (OASDI) Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (FICA) (social security and Medicare taxes) all mean the same tax for social security benefits (SSB or SSDI). All mean the same thing.


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Q: Who do you pay fica and social security taxes to?
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FICA includes taxes to pay for?

Social security and medicare

FICA includes taxes to pay for what?

A. Social Security and Medicare E2020

Do you pay Social Security taxes on a settlement check?

No. FICA taxes (Social Security, Medicare, etc) are only paid on earned income.

Does an individual pay FICA taxes on Social Security income?

No. You only pay FICA taxes on earned income (wages, salary); paying on Social Security benefits would amount to paying the same tax twice.

Does everyone pay FICA taxes?

I have an employee over 70 years of age, can she stop withholding her FICA taxes? (Social Security) Thank you

Do you get the FICA back on your federal taxes?

No you do not get FICA back on federal taxes. It's a pay now and collect later system, for when you collect social security at retirement.

What do FICA taxes pay for?

The (OASDI) Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (FICA) (social security and Medicare taxes) all mean the same tax. Go to the SOCIAL SECURITY ONLINE web site

Is medicare considered fica tax on pay stub?

Yes, FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) is the combination of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

If Still working at 65 do you still pay fica taxes?

Sure you do still pay your share of the FICA (social security and medicare) (OASDI) taxes on your earned income as long as you are providing your services to earn the income and are still breathing.

What does fica pay for?

The (OASDI) Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (FICA) (social security and Medicare taxes) all mean the same tax. Possible future social security benefits and some medicare insurance coverage.

What if your pay stub deducts money for FICA what does that mean?

The (OASDI) Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (FICA) (social security and Medicare taxes) all mean the same tax.

If you are drawing Social Security do you still pay FICA?

Yes. If you work after retirement, your employer is still required to withhold 7.65% of your first $106,800 of gross income for FICA, and to pay a matching amount from company funds on your behalf.