

Who discovered the periodic law?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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15y ago

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Dmitri Mendeleev

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Q: Who discovered the periodic law?
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How many of the recently discovered elements follow periodic law?

none of them

Which scientist discovered modren periodic table?

Moseley discovered the modern periodic table.

What principle states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic number?

The Periodic Law states these facts about properties of elements. The Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev was the first to state this law in 1869.

What is pattern of repeating properties of elements revealed in the periodic table called?

The answer to, ' when repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements' atomic numbers it is called the?'Periodic law, is the answer. PERIODIC LAW !orPeriodicity of the chemical elements properties.

How periodic law leads the foundation of modern periodic table?

modern periodic law

Who discovered a pattern to the elements of the periodic table in 1869?

Demitri Mendeleev discovered a pattern to the periodic table in 1869.

What is modern periodic law?

The modern periodic law states that, The properties of the elements are the periodic function of there atomic number not atomic weights.

When was periodic table discovered?


Who discovered the modern periodic table Was he Mos lay or Neil Bohr?

Moseley discovered modern periodic table. It was not given by Bohr.

What was periodic law given by mendeleeve?

Mendeleev's periodic law states that "Properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic masses".

Who discovered hooke's law?

Robert Hooke discovered the law.

What do the long dashes represent on mendeleev's periodic table?

Long dashes in the Mendellev's periodic table represent the element which were not discovered yet and these elements were discovered later on.