

Who discovered svg?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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St.vincent and the grenadines was discovered by christopher coloumbus, but since the spanish didn't find any gold the went to the americas.the french later came and took over but the british wanted to have st.vincent too eventually the french would team up with the kalinago people or caribs.Finally after the french lost kalinago soon saw their chance to strike at the British but they were no mach for the British swords and muskets.during the war the French,British and Kalinago people had named some parts of the island such as: Mustique' french,Yambou Carib,Kingstown British

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Who discovered Saturn moons?

The first person to discover Saturn`s moons was Christian Huygens in 1655. The following moons discovered in order are: Titan Discovered:1655 Discovered by:Christian Huygens Iapetus Discovered:1671 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Rhea Discovered:1672 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Tethys Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Dione Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Enceladus Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Mimas Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Hyperion Discovered:1848 Discovered by:William Lassell Phoebe Discovered:1898 Discovered by:William Pickering Janus Discovered:1965-1966 Discovered by: Audouin Dollfus Epimetheus Discovered:1966 Discovered by:Richard Walker Helene Discovered:1980 Discovered by: Pierre Laques Telesto Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Bradford Smith Calypso Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Dan Pascu Prometheus Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Pandora Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Atlas Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Richard Terrile Pan Discovered:1981 Discovered by:Showalter Other astronomers:Kevin Beurile, Brett Gladman, Matthew Holman and others. If you want to see the rest, go to to see the article Timeline discovery of solar system planets and their moons.

When were the rings on Neptune discovered?

they were discovered 17 days after the planet itself was discovered.

Which microbes they discovered?

they discovered pencilene

How was nitrogen discovered?

I`m not sure how it was discovered, but it was discovered by Daniel Rutherford in 1772. I`ll get back to you on how it was discovered... :P

Where was the nickel discovered?

where was the element nickel discovered??

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SVG-edit was created on 2009-02-06.

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you go to and there you are. You can download the open-source version !

What is an svg file?

An .svg file is what is also called a scaleable vector file. Specific notes: SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. Other MIME types that have been seen for this incorrectly include: image/svg image/svg-xml; text/xml-svg; image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml; image/svg-xml Essential code: ascii and the hex: 3c code included. Program i.d.: Adobe.SVGCtl Corel.SVGCtl CorelDRAW.Graphic.11 File classification: Adobe.SVGCtl Corel.SVGCtl CorelDRAW.Graphic.11

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Serving. E.g. "One svg" means the ingredients will feed one person.



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