

Who devloped the English alphabet?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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i don't know,"but I'm not".

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Q: Who devloped the English alphabet?
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Which alphabet formed the basis for the English alphabet?

The Latin Alphabet formed the basis for the English alphabet.

What is the first alphabet in English?

The first letter in english alphabet is "A"

How do you turn Greek alphabet in to English alphabet?

You don't. The Greek alphabet is quite different from the Latin alphabet (which is used for English).

How does French alphabet compare with the English alphabet?

The letters of the French alphabet are the same as the English Alphabet, they are just pronounced differently.

Who inspired the English alphabet?

Nobody. English uses the Roman alphabet, which was inspired by the Greek alphabet.

Which alphabet forms the basis of the English alphabet?

The Latin alphabet forms the basis of the English alphabet, it is the same alphabet, with the exceptions of J, U, and W.

What letter in the English alphabet is after 'g'?

The alphabet has 26 letters. The letter "D" comes after the letter "C".The English alphabet, in order:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Who is discovered the English alphabet?

No one discovered the English alphabet. It was invented by Catholic monks who adapted the Latin alphabet to fit English.

Which alphabet is used to write English?

the English alphabet stems from Latin

How many words are in the English alphabet?

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

Why is the English alphabet similar to the Albanian alphabet?

Both English and Albanian use versions of the Latin alphabet.