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In the Weimar constitution all resident German citizens aged 20 and above had the vote except for serving members of the armed forces. The purpose of this exception was to keep the army out of politics.

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Q: What can people vote for in the Weimar Republic?
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What was the name of the new German government established in 1919?

it was the weimar republic. it didn't last long though. people weren't very happy with it and Hitler soon took over. it was the weimar republic. it didn't last long though. people weren't very happy with it and Hitler soon took over. it was the weimar republic. it didn't last long though. people weren't very happy with it and Hitler soon took over.

People of Germany were not happy with Weimar republic?

People of Germany were not happy with the Weimar Republic (German Reich) which was a product of the German Revolution in November 1918.

4 The Weimar Republic in Germany took its name from?

From the city of Weimar, where the constitution of the republic was resolved.

Why was Hitler the alternative to Weimar republic?

The Third Reich which was a dictatorship whereas the Weimar Republic was a democracy.

What Was the Name Given to the German republic in 1919 - 1933?

The German Republic of 1919-1933 is nicknamed the Weimar Republic.

Who supported the weimar republic?

Many of the German people linked the Weimar with the treaty of Versailles as it was the Weimar who signed it. Also the German people didnt want a democracy as they were happy with the kaiser who was a dictator but the Weimar was forced upon them by the Allies at the end of WW1

Why did Weimar republic set up in Germany after World War 1 became unpopular?

Germany was known as the Weimar Republic after WW I because the republic was established in 1919 in the city of Weimar.___The term Weimar Republic is a nickname that was only introduced after it had ceased to exist.

How did the weimar republic work?

The Weimar was a democratic government put in place after the kaiser abdicated. It ruled by popular vote, however it did not rule effectively. And that made it made Hitler's ascent to power easier.

What is weiman republic?

The Weimar republic was the government of Germany after WW1. For reasons unknown to me it was moved from Berlin to Weimar.

What were the three political that made up the Weimar Republic?

The Weimar Republic is what the government in Germany was called from 1918 to 1933.

How was the Weimar republic affected by the Munich putsch?

because by the weimar republic was so bad and the army was s poor

Who was the last president of the Weimar Republic?

Adolf Hitler, he disintegrated the republic in 1933. Before him was Gustav Stresemann i think.