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Cephalic vein. To locate the cephalic vein, rotate the patient's arm so that the hand is prone. In this position, the weight of excess tissue often pulls downward, making the cephalic vein easier to feel and penetrate with a needle.

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Q: Which vein can the phlebotomist palpate in an obese patient?
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What is the proper action when palpating for a vein in the upper arm?

palpate the vein with the tip of your index finger

What are the arteries and veins in the arm a phlebotomist should know?

Basic vein, median cubital vein, cephalic artery

How can you distinguish the renal artery from the renal vein?

Palpate it, or if in a dead body use ur fingers to feel it.

Using syringe to draw blood?

A syringe is a great technique for blood drawing! It allows the phlebotomist to control the vacuum, which is good because it is much less traumatic on a patient's vein. A syringe may also be used to obtain blood from a small, or otherwise difficult vein.

What vein is commonly used to draw blood from obese people?

median cephalic vein

What is phlobotomy?

Phlebotomy is the act of piercing the flesh with a needle and entering a vein to extract blood. Sometimes, the blood is used to replace lost blood in another person or for later use in the same person. Most often, the blood is used for diagnostic purposes. A phlebotomist is someone who performs phlebotomy. Phlebotomists have the uncanny ability to find a vein hidden beneath the skin, introduce a needle into the vein, and extract blood with little or no discomfort to the patient. Phlebotomists are vital members of the health care team. Check out the Needle Points page to see a fraction of what every phlebotomist knows.

What is the term for an individual trained and skilled in the puncture of a vein for the purpose of drawing blood?

It is called a Phlebotomist. I am a Certified Phlebotomy Technician through the National Healthcare Association.

Is phlebotomist training important?

Phlebotomy is the method of collecting or extracting blood from a human's vein for important medical reasons.Choosing the right place to obtain proper training for becoming a phlebotomist is very important. First, you need to decide what kind of degree you want to get.

What professional does hemoglobin tests?

A nurse or phlebotomist usually collects the sample by inserting a needle into a vein, or venipuncture, after cleaning the skin, which helps prevent infections.

How can you use phlebotomy in a sentence?

They told him he needed a blood test so he made an appointment to see a phlebotomist.

Can a CNA legally remove an IV catheter from a patient's vein?

State laws vary.

Why is an intravenous line inserted into the vein of a patient prior to pacemaker implant surgery?

An intravenous (IV) line will also be inserted into a vein in the patient's arm before the procedure begins in case medication or blood products are required during the insertion.