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catatonic schizophrenia

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Q: Which type of schizophrenia has the person maintain a rigid pose for hours or days?
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What is rigamorits?

Rigamortis occurs in the hours after death of a person or animal, once a body becomes stiff and rigid rigamortis has occured.

Broad term for a morally rigid person?

A puritan.

The English concluded from their colonial experiences in Ireland that?

English colonists should maintain a rigid separation from the indigenous population

How does body building work?

If you maintain a very rigid exercise and diet plan, a person can promote extreme muscle growth together with very low levels of subcutaneous fat, which makes body builders look the way they do.

What would a strict person do?

Be very rigid about rules and regulations.

Is rigid a noun?

Rigid is an adjective, it describes a noun. A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. The noun forms are rigidity and rigidness.

Why did the belgians create a rigid system of racial classification?

The Belgians created a rigid system of racial classification in order to justify and maintain their colonization of the Congo by dividing the population along racial lines and reinforcing their perceived superiority over the Congolese people. This system also served to maintain control over the population and exploit them for economic gain.

Why are plant cells more rigid than animal cells?

Plant cells have a cell wall, which is made of cellulose and helps it maintain rigidity.

Which condition is characterized by the typical display of rigid behaviors that make it difficult for a person to get along with others?

Mood disorders are characterized by the typical display of rigid behaviors that make it difficult for a person to get along with others.

What condition is characterized by the typical display of rigid behaviors that make it difficult for a person to get along with others?

Mood disorders are characterized by the typical display of rigid behaviors that make it difficult for a person to get along with others.

Why does a person going to the depths of the sea requires a rigid diving suit instead of a flexible one?

the pressure would simply crush a person in a flexible one so the rigid diving suit allows the person to go deeper than they normally would with a flexible wet suit

Why must diving suits be rigid instead of flexible?

The rigid diving suit is pressurized to offset depth pressure and it needs rigidity to prevent it from expanding, allowing the person to swim easily.