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The heart itself is a muscle, however the heart all is made up of different muscles. The muscle knows as the MYOCARDIUM makes up the largest portion of the Heart Wall. The myocardium is made up of the cardiac muscle tissue, which is responsible for the pumping action.

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Q: What kind of muscle is responsible for the heart pumping action?
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What is the structures responsible for actual pumping action of heart?

SA node because it produce current for the actual pumping of heart. heart funtion on the current

Are skeletal muscles responsible for the pumping action of the heart?

no MyocardiumThere are three types of muscle: skeletal muscles which move the bones, smooth muscle which produces waves (peristalsis) along a tube. For example, the digestive tract and muscle found only in the heart. This is called myo- (muscle) -cardium (heart).

What Types of tissues is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?

The cardiac muscle of the heart has primary responsibility for pumping blood throughout the body.

What is the fucntion of the heart?

the heart is the specialist muscle that contract regularly and continuously, pumping blood to the body and the lungs. The pumping action is caused by a flow of electricity through the heart that repeats itself in a cycle

What is the pumping action of the heart called?

atrial and ventricular systole occur at the same time

What structures of the heart make it powerful pumping organ?

The whole heart is made of muscle to do the pumping

Describe the pumping action of the heart?

The pumping action involves the heart's chamber contracting and relaxing. The heart beat is one cycle of the heart going through this contraction and relaxation while pumping blood.

What are the two main phases of the action of the heart?

the pumping and the not pumping? diastollic and systollic?

The layer of the heart wall responsible for its pumping action is the?

The myocardium (middle layer)

Where is blood pumping from?

The left venricular chamber of the heart is responsible for pumping the blood throughout the body

Is heart responsible for love?

no your heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood through your body...the brain which holds your emotions is responsible for love.

The layer of the heart responsible for pumping blood is called the?
