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co2 is a contagious bacteria

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Q: Which type of bacteria is highly contagious which can put healthcare workers at risk?
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Which type of bacterial agent is highly contagious which can put health care workers at an increased risk of infection?

MRSA is a type of bacterial agent that is highly contagious and which can put healthcare workers at an increased risk of infection. MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and it is also known as the super bug.

Is whooping cough a virus or bacteria?

Whooping cough is a highly contagious bacterial disease caused by Bordetella pertussis.

Why must healthcare workers be concerned about tuberculosis?

There are multiple reasons: -TB is highly contagious and can be spread from the patient to the healthcare worker and from the healthcare work to other patients. -It is spread through the air as small particles. -TB treatment MUST be completed fully. In other words, the medication used to treat TB has become less effective in treating the pathogen because patients are not taking the medication properly. This has lead to highly resistant strains of TB. -Highly resistant strains pose a higher risk for infecting healthcare works and other patients. *Patients should take medication the same time every day and for the full amount of time it is prescribed.

Is cocci bacteria contagious?

Cocci refers to a shape of bacteria, and can take two different forms, staphylococcus and streptococcus. The staph form of the bacteria causes food poisoning, while the strep form of the bacteria can cause strep throat, pink eye, meningitis, and a variety of other illnesses. The staph form doesn't spread unless the person consumes bad food, but the strep form is extremely contagious.

Is scarlet fever contagious?

Scarlet fever is highly contagious when the patient is in the early stages and is not being treated with antibiotics. It is spread by sneezing , coughing, or direct contact with an infected person.

How do you get streptococcus?

Streptococcal bacteria are highly contagious. They spread through droplets in the air when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes. They also spread through shared food or drinks.

Where does the highly contagious bacterial infection known as pinkeye occur?

Im sooo bored :p omg idk the ansewr sorry! :)

Which is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the lungs?

pneumonia. Pneumonia is caused by by contact with mucus from an infected person or the introduction of bacteria or viruses normally present in the mouth.

How can you put contagious and epidemic in the same sentence?

The epidemic was caused by a highly contagious virus.

Is a camryn highly contagious?

A camryn is actually VERY contagious. Some have died from the infection.

Is impetigo a communicable disease?

A bacterial infection of the skin that often occurs in childrens. Charachterized by clusters of small blisters or crusty lesions filled with bacteria. It si exteremely contagious.

Is parotitis contagious?

Yes, parotitis is highly contagious. This disease can be contagious for up to 4 days after the person starts showing symptoms.