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Moseley and Bohr

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Q: Which two scientists are responsible for the modern change in the periodic table?
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Who among people that is responsible for the development of periodic table?

Dobereiner, Newland , Mendeleev are responsible for development. Modern periodic table was created by Henry Moseley.

What is the correct chronological order of scientists contributing to the modern periodic table?

Lavoisier, Dobereiner, Newlands, Mendeleev, and Moseley

How periodic law leads the foundation of modern periodic table?

modern periodic law

What do modern day scientists believe about geologic change?

It all happens suddenly

What is the modern periodic table based on?

Modern periodic table is based on modern periodic law which states that physical and chemical properties of elemnts are periodic function of their atomic numbers.

How many rows are there in Modern periodic table?

There are 7 periods in the modern periodic table.

How many periods are there on the modern periodic table?

The modern periodic table has seven periods.

Modern periodic table is invented by?

Modern periodic table is invented by Henry Moseley.

What atom structure did Boyle discover?

Robert Boyle was responsible for coming up with the modern idea of the element, paving the way for the periodic table. His book is recognized as the foundation of modern chemistry.?æ

Who developed your modern day periodic table?

The last major changes to the periodic table resulted from Glenn Seaborg's work in the middle of the 20th Century. Starting with his discovery of plutonium in 1940, he discovered all the transuranic elements from 94 to 102. He reconfigured the periodic table by placing the actinide series below the lanthanide series. In 1951, Seaborg was awarded theNobel Prize in chemistry for his work. Element 106 has been named seaborgium (Sg) in his honor.Although Dmitri Mendeleev is often considered the "father" of the periodic table, the work of many scientists contributed to its present form.

Who developed your modern periodic table in 1869?

Dmitri Mendeleev developed the modern periodic table in 1869.

Who assembled the periodic table?

The modern long form of periodic table was constructed by Neils Bohr based on modern periodic law proposed by Moseley.