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when the moon is in a high or low position. p.s. Trenton Coty Dow found this out. =)

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full moon and new moon

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Q: Which position is the moon in to cause a spring tide?
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Where is the relative position of a spring tide?

The relative position of a spring tide is when the moon new or full is closest yo the earth.

What is a perigean spring tide?

A perigean spring tide is when the Moon is closest to the Earth during the spring tide.

What tide is created just after the new moon and full moon phase?

Spring tide

The gravitation force between the moon and earth?

Well if the moon moves a bit the earth and tide pulls with it and if the sun moon and earth are all in the same position as in a spring tide it causes the tides to go really big.

What are tides like during a full moon?

During the full moon, spring tides happen. A spring tide is when the range of the tide is at its maximum.

High Tide Moon position?

the moon in on the horizon =)

What tide is caused by the straight alignment of the sun earth and moon?

spring tide

When the tides are specially strong due to the alignment of the sun and moon its called a tide?

It is called a Spring Tide.

When the effects of the moon and the sun works together this is what kind of tide?

It's a huge tide. It's called a "spring tide". "Spring" does not mean the season called spring, in this case.

What are different kinds of tide?

you have a high tide and low tide, tides are affected by the Moon. There is also something called Neap tide and Spring tide. Spring tide occurs in spring and sometime throughout the year. Neap tide is when there is a higher low tide and a lower low tide. Spring tide is when there is a higher low tide and lower high tide

Differentiate waves and tides and differentiate neap tide and spring tide?

Wave is a movement in the water surface under vertical direction and is caused by wind. The stronger the wind is, so is the wave. Tide is a natural phenomenon, a regular and periodical oscillation of water. In theory, in terms of physical matter, tide is caused by the gravitational force of the moon and certainly by that of the sun as well. Neap tide is weak tide occurring when the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun are perpendiculare to one another. It occurs during quarter moons. Spring tide is strong time occurring when the earth, the sun and the moon are in a line. It occurs in the full and new moon.

Where is the moon during a spring tide?

During high tide it is directly over head.