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John Locke

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The contract theory of government was primarily developed by English philosophers Thomas Hobbes, john Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These philosophers argued that individuals enter into a social contract with their government, surrendering some freedoms in exchange for protection of their rights and liberties.

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Q: Which philosopher wrote the contract theory of government?
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What was the political theory of John Locke?

John Locke was a philosopher that believed in Life, Liberty and above all else PROPERTY. He also believed that a small government was best. He believed that government should in effect, be instituted to make sure that the people were able to secure their rights to property. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the DoA, he wrote, 'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness'. He did this because he was about 3 words away from plagiarizing Locke. John Locke was also a believer in the Natural Rights of Man. He believed that Rights were something that could not be given or taken away, but they were bestowed upon us by God simply because we are human. Rights are not given to us by governments, or men. We are all entitled to inalieanable rights which NO ONE can take away. We all have the right to live. We all have the right to be free. We all have the right to property.

Is Mein Kampf is a name for the nazi government?

No. Mein Kampf is the name of a book Hitler wrote while in prison. It translate to english as My Life

Where was Hitler when he wrote mein kampf?

Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf" while he was imprisoned at Landsberg Prison in Bavaria, Germany, after his failed coup attempt in 1923. He began writing the book in 1924 and it was published in 1925.

When was Hitler jailed and wrote Mein Kampf?

he was jailed in 1924 and wrote mein kampf while in jail. then in 1932 he got out of jail and lost the presidential elections he was named prime minister by a guy named Hindenburg, but 1 year later, when Hindenburg died, he became the only leader of Germany.

Did Hitler have some help when he wrote his book Mein Kampf?

no, because he wrote the book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) when he was in jail.

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Which philosopher wrote a social contract?

Thomas Hobbes

Swiss philosopher who wrote The Social Contract in 1762?

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Who wrote that in a state of nature no government existed and life was cruel brutish and short and believed in the social contract theory?

Thomas Hobbes

Who was Rousseau?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was an influential 18-century French philosopher who wrote The Social Contract.

Which enlightenment philosopher wrote a social contract on which citizens agreed to live together to protect the rights and in which citizens would obey the general will of the community?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

What political philosopher wrote about the division of power within a government?

Baron de Montesquieu

What philosopher wrote that the purpose of government is to secure citizens lives and property?

john locke

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The Greek philosopher who wrote the Republic.

Who did the social contract theorist?

While many Enlightenment philosophers worked within the social contract theory, Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote The Social Contract.

Did Thomas Hobbes and John Locke wrote about contract theories of government?


The Declaration of Independence (1776) has had a major influence on people throughout the world because it?

Answer: provides justification for revolting against unjust governments. The Declaration of Independence was influenced by Enlightenment Philosopher john Locke. John Locke believed that all men were entitled to life, liberty and property. Thomas Jefferson used the ideas of Natural Rights as proposed by Locke. Philosopher John Locke's ideas were an important influence on the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson restated Locke's contract theory of government when he wrote in the Declaration that governments derived "their just Powers from the consent of the people."

What did john Locke do for Carolina?

John Locke, an English philosopher, wrote a constitution, or plan of government, for Carolinas -Get to homework (: