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The part of the instruction that tells a computer what operation to perform is variously called the "operation code", "op code", "opcode", "operation", "order code", "instruction code", "function designator", "function", "prefix", "designator", etc. depending on the specific computer and the (arbitrary) preferences of the designers of that computer architecture about terminology.

Some computers have special instructions that use parts of the instruction in a different way than other instructions do to provide additional operations (e.g. PDP-8 in the OPR instruction used the fields used by most other instructions for memory addressing as a "microcoded" operation request, PowerPC has "primary opcode" and an optional "extended opcode").

There are some computer architectures that do not even use instructions (e.g. dataflow computers) or have instructions without an opcode (e.g. Transport Triggered Architectures, Forth virtual machine) but they are still fairly rare.

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Q: Which part of the instruction tells the microprocessor what operation is to be performed?
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