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Q: Which parent gets to claim the child on income taxes?
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If your 14 year old works and the parent is on disability does it affect the parents disability if they have to claim the child's taxes?

The income that the 14 year child earns is the child's income and would not be reported as income on the parents income tax return.

How long can non-custodial father claim child on taxes?

If he has no taxable expenses in the child then he cant claim on tax.

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If a child lives with one parent can the other parent who does not live in the same home claim that same child?

Not on taxes no. The parent the child lives with has the main right to claim the child. But if that parent can't or doesn't want to then the other parent can

If child lives with higher income parent who claims on taxes every year?

The parent who is considered the custodial parent.

If you claim a parent receiving ssi disability benefits do you have to file their income on taxes?

No. But they can't claim themselves if they file. No. But they can't claim themselves if they file.

What is the earning threshold for a child to pay taxes?

The child's income is essentially considered the income of the it is taxed at their rate, and presumably they have enough income to be taxed.

Can you do an amendment on your 2009 taxes and take a child off so the other parent can claim him?


What if your son lives with you and his dad wants to claim him on income taxes but you want to also is this possible if we don't live together?

Only one person can claim a person. Once a person is claimed as a dependent, no one lese can claim him. Does your divorce agreement state who is allowed to claim your son for income tax purposes? If not, the custodial parent has a higher right to claim the child than the non-custodial parent. him paying child support does not grant him any rights to claim your son either.

If a 17 year old makes more than 6000 per year can the parent still claim the child on their taxes?

Yes, but his income (or at least some of it), must be taxed at your rate.

If your parent claims you on their income taxes can you still file yourself?

No Yes, you just cannot claim yourself as a deduction.