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The festicval will be held on August 19, 2007, in Duluth, Minnesota

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Q: Which one of these uses commas correctly?
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How many commas are in one trillion?

Assuming one uses commas to separate three digits, then four.

Wikianswers says it doesn't allow any kind of punctuation except for a question mark and a period. If it allows periods then why doesn't it allow commas?

I would guess because the questions should be short enough not to need commas, and its hard to make one question that uses a comma correctly.

What correctly uses or omits commas?

The ducks we feed at the park are very friendly. The geese, on the other hand, often hiss and try to bite us

In which sentence have commas been used correctly?


Do Mexicans use commas?

Yes, Mexicans speak spanish and spanish uses commas.

What are two uses for commas?

sepreted and created

You have an English book and you want to look up how to correctly use commas?

You can find tips on correct use of commas on

You want to look up how to correctly use commas In which one of the following chapters would you expect to find this information?

panctualtion properly

How do you combine two sentences?

Use a conjunction in combination with correctly placed commas.

How should a clause that uses that be used?

not set apart with commas

What number has six commas?

One quintillion has six commas.

What are the main uses of commas?

When you want a pause in a sentence, you use a comma.