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Q: Which of the following is the last stage of childbirth when placenta and umbilical cord are pushed out?
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Which occurs during the afterbirth?

The placenta is pushed out of the uterus

Which occurs during the afterbirth stage?

The mother experience hormonal changes

What is a Prolapsed cord?

The umbilical cord is pushed into the vagina ahead of the baby and becomes compressed, cutting off blood flow to the baby

What occurs during the stage of childbirth called delivery?

The baby is pushed from the uterus out through the vagina and into the world by contractions of the muscle. I think this is the answer........

As the foetus develops in the womb the placenta plays an important role give two functions of the placenta?

The main function of placenta in pregnancy is to supply your baby with sufficient nourishment. Generally it is found to evaluate around one-sixth of your newborn's weight. Every minute during the pregnancy, approximately about 550 ml of blood gets pushed into the uterus to replace enough nutrients with the placenta for your baby.

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the formation of a mountain range

How far were the Germans pushed out of France on d-day?

The Germans were pushed back just a few miles from the coast in some places, just a few hundred yards in others. None were pushed out of France on D-Day. Many German reinforcements were sent into France in the weeks following D-Day.

How do sailboats move?

The get pushed by the wind.The get pushed by the wind.The get pushed by the wind.The get pushed by the wind.

What is a past participle for the word pushed?

the past participle of pushed is pushed

Is pushed an adjective?

Yes, it can be (pushed buttons, pushed carts).The word pushed is the past tense and past participle of the verb "to push."

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