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Push the protruding bone back into the wound

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Q: Which of the following is not a first aid treatment for a fracture?
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First aid treatment?

first aid is an immediate but temporary treatment given to a person in case of accident or sudden illness when there is no doctor around. sprain,fracture,dislocation and cramps can be given first aid treatment

First aid case of joint fracture?

cast or split

What are the main aims in the first aid management of a fracture?

setting it

Who is discovered FIRST AID?

No one could have discovered first aid. First aid just describes the aid that is given FIRST. It refers to the basic treatment of injuries.

What are their treatment and first aid?

This question is not specific , who are they?

What is first aid treatment for bleeding?


What is the aid given to fracture?

Splint the fracture in the position found.

What is the origin of first aid?

It was called first aid simply because it was the 1st treatment someone has received.

What does a compound fracture need after first aid is administered?

A compound fracture (also known as an open fracture) is one which the bone protrudes the skin. The danger here is infection so you need to cover the wound to prevent infection, immobilise the area and call for help. There is not much else you can do in a first aid capacity until an ambulance arrives. When they do arrive they may decide to straighten the limb to help circulation and prevent bones fusing in the wrong position and they will be taken to hospital for an xray and further treatment.

What is the meaning first aider?

A First Aid is just the person that gives the FIRST aid. The treatment that is initially received. First aid could be just applying a bandage.

What is first aider's mean?

A First Aid is just the person that gives the FIRST aid. The treatment that is initially received. First aid could be just applying a bandage.

Is first aid full treatment?

In some minor cases such as a cut finger, first aid may be able to deal with a full treatment by cleansing the wound and dressing it. In other more major cases such as CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), first aid can help administer lifesaving treatment but ongoing treatment would be given by a paramedic and/or Doctor.