

Which metal is used to make varakh?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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copper is used in making varakh

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Q: Which metal is used to make varakh?
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Which metal on the bases of health considerations should be used to make varakh?

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Which metals are used to make varakh?

The varakh is made of the intestines of animals. Such as oxen and specially Rabbit's.

Which metal is used to make varakh the shiny foil that is used to garnish sweetmeat?

Varakh, the shiny foil that is used to garnish sweetmeat, is sometimes made of real silver or real gold. These metals are made by pounding the metal into very thin sheets that are very brittle. Both metals are edible.

How varakh is made?

varakh is a silver foil used on food

Which metal on the basis of health consideration should be used to make varakh?

silver or steel or copper or gold can be used to make varakhs on the basis of health consideration

Is varakh good for health?

No. i feel it is not at all good for health as it is made of silver metal an element on the earth. As a doctor i suggest never to eat Silver foiled Varakh sweets. it also can create cancer disease by increasing sugar in blood.

Which metal on the basis of health consideratons should be used to make varakh?

Silver,steel,gold,copper or maybe something else i think it should be used by considering things ,issues,etc all that which cannot cause us some or the other health problems......bcozz.. we need 2 be healthy.

How varakh imade on basis on health consideration?

silver or steel or copper can be uses to make varak on the basis of health considaration

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