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Cesar Chavez

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Q: Which leader of the civil rights movement most likely said this?
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What movement did martin become a national leader of?

He became a leader of the Civil rights movement.

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MLK was the leader of the American Civil Rights Movement.

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Which famous civil right leaders came from Maine?

Gerald Talbot was a famous civil rights leader from Maine. He attended the civil rights march on Washington, DC in August, 1963, as the leader of the Maine Civil Rights movement.

What would wells-barnett most likely disagree?

Ida Wells-Barnett was an African American journalist and early leader for the civil rights movement. Given that she was active in the civil rights movement and the women's rights movement it would be safe to say she disagreed with anything that was opposed to those movements.

What is Rosa parks role in the civil rights movement?

she was like the leader she started it

Which of these women was a leader in the women's civil rights movement?

All of the answers are correct.

Who is the most famous leader in the modern civil rights movement?

Martin Luther king Jr. was the most influential leader of the civil rights movement

Who was the leader of the civil rights movment?

There was no real leader of the civil rights movement, but one of the most involved persons was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Rosa Parks.

Who led the African American civil rigjt leader?

Martin Luther King was the civil rights leader in the movement. He came to prominence with the bus boycott.